Ximo Tebar A-Free-Kan Jazz Dance Big Band
[Spain] Valencia Valenciaximotebar@ucla.edu

[Concert/Performance] A-FREE-KAN JAZZ DANCE BIG BAND. [Download Audios and Big Band Scores] Curious and unusual instrumental composition with traditional African, classical and flamenco voices, instruments and dances led by jazz guitarist Ximo Tebar. Artistically, highlights the fusion of traditional African music and dance with the most modern jazz in a curious and unusual instrumental composition with voices, itraditional African instruments and dances, flamenco dance, classical and modern instruments; cello, percussion, guitar, bass and drums creating a curious combination of environments cello-kora (traditional African instrument), and the African voices playing original music or arrangements of renowned composers such as Wayne Shorter or Miriam Makeba. The collective improvisations between the instruments together with the percussionists and the dances, create a rhythmic, mysterious and magical spectacular environment. This project is a multicultural breakthrough in the fusion of World Music. [Download Audios and Big Band Scores] https://omixrecordsblog.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/download-cd-ximo-tebar-a-free-kan-jazz-dance-big-band.zip